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The Full Story

About Us

​When we started studying law, we didn’t really understand the vast unawareness of the legal world. Some people don’t have the money to enforce their rights, some don’t have the right resources or sometimes we simply don’t want to get stuck in the long and seemingly endless cycle of the judiciary. Most people are unaware of their basic rights. We thought it prudent to empower people with knowledge and make them aware of their basic rights to circumvent the circuitous journey in the midst of the spaghetti of legal procedures. In order to increase awareness regarding the rules that safeguard our interests, we created THE LEGAL LAMA. Here we intend to answer the most basic questions and quote the relevant Acts and Sections and a case study as a live example.

Mission Of The Legal Lama


We provide answers to the most pressing legal doubts in the clearest compact and comprehensible manner.


To make the law so easy to understand for anyone to understand and make their life better.

Vision Of The Legal Lama

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